1.Light up your terminal window
2.Add the following line into your .bash_profile , save it and quit
export SVN_EDITOR="/usr/bin/vim"
3.Check your changes by reloading Terminal and printing the SVN_EDITOR environment variable to screen by using the following
It should output: /usr/bin/vim
4.To import files into your SVN
svn import project https://[PROJECT_NAME] -m "initial import" --username [GMAIL_ACCOUNT_NAME]
5.To checkout the files from your SVN
svn checkout https://[PROJECT_NAME] [PROJECT_NAME] --username [GMAIL_ACCOUNT_NAME]
6.Basic SVN work cycle
The typical work cycle looks like this:
1. Update your working copy.
• svnupdate
2. Make changes.
• svnadd
• svndelete
• svncopy
• svnmove
3. Examine your changes.
• svnstatus
• svndiff
4. Possibly undo some changes.
• svnrevert
5. Resolve conflicts (merge others' changes).
• svnupdate
• svnresolve
6. Commit your changes.
• svncommit